Duration: 10:25
Edition 2/10
Archival: Blue Ray (HD)
Exhibition: mp4 digital file
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Beach Park is a video artwork by Glen Rubsamen. Like the paintings for which the artist is most well-known, Beach Park offers a meditation on a casual California scene. The first part of the video, which is a little over half of the length of the entire piece, shows a nondescript view of a small grassy area with a couple of tall palm trees. Within this first part, the camera shifts perspective once, offering a slightly different view of the trees and park. Very little happens during this time, with the only sound being the ambient noises of wind, voices, and traffic, and the only activity being the semi-frequent passing by of a vehicle, pedestrian, or biker. The sky is blue and there is a general sense of peace and calm. In the second part of the video, the view changes to show a fake tree cell phone tower, and in this part, even less activity occurs. A couple of work trucks pass by at different points, but that is all. The simplicity of this moving image relates to the simple, yet beautiful, style of Rubsamen’s paintings, which feature silhouetted images of palm trees, billboards, electric wires, and other everyday sightings against a pure California sky.
Included with the work