Glen Rubsamen
Glen Rubsamen
Glen Rubsamen (b. 1957, Hollywood, California; lives and works in Los Angeles and Düsseldorf) is a fine artist and writer who works with painting, photography, and video art. Rubsamen earned his undergraduate degree in 1978, followed by his MFA in 1981, both from UCLA. Known primarily for his precise, colorful paintings of the California sky featuring silhouetted foreground imagery such as palm trees, billboards, electric wires, and faux-tree cell phone towers, the artist has more recently expanded his paintings’ subject matter to include scenes of oil spills, tanks, soldiers, nuclear reactors, and even the Statue of Liberty, all while staying true to his exacting, photorealistic style. He has translated this high-contrast painting style to his video artwork, offering moving image studies of California skyscapes, plants and their shadows, and other minimally manipulated images. An interest in the sounds inherent to a place is evident in his video work, with soundtracks ranging from heavy, moody music to just the voices present on the beach during that day of filming.
Rubsamen is represented by Mai 36 Galerie in Zürich and shows regularly with the gallery. He has had several important gallery shows in recent years, including Glen Rubsamen: Environmental Catastrophes Top Ten And Other Abominations, Cosar HMT, Düsseldorf, 2019; Glen Rubsamen: Chain Reaction, Stene Projects, Stockholm, 2018; Glen Rubsamen: Clear From The Start, Mai 36 Galerie; Glen Rubsamen: The Disguise Was Almost Perfect, Christopher Grimes Gallery, Los Angeles, Glen Rubsamen: Gleaming and Inaccessible, Alfonso Artiaco, Naples; Glen Rubsamen: Partners in Crime, Trieze, Paris, 2014; and a museum show, Glen Rubsamen: Islands in the Stream, Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, 2006.[1]
Selected Exhibitions
- Glen Rubsamen: Chain Reaction. Stene Projects, Stockholm
- Glen Rubsamen: Clear From The Start. Mai 36 Galerie, Zürich
- The Disguise Was Almost Perfect, Christopher Grimes Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
- Glen Rubsamen, Gleaming and Inaccessible, Galleria Alfonso Artiaco, Napoli
- Glen Rubsamen: Visible From Space. Mai 36 Galerie, Zürich
- Glen Rubsamen: Partners in Crime. Trieze, Paris.
- Glen Rubsamen: Clear Channel. Cosar HMT, Düsseldorf.
- Glen Rubsamen: Companion Species. Stene Projects, Stockholm.
- Glen Rubsamen: New Paintings. Robert Miller Gallery, New York.
- Glen Rubsamen: Rhynchophorus ferrugineus. Osmos Address, New York.
- Glen Rubsamen; Anabiosis. Alfonso Artiaco, Naples.
- Glen Rubsamen: Reality doesn’t need friends. Stene Projects, Stockholm.
- Glen Rubsamen; Let’s die friends. Benveniste Contemporary, Madrid.
- Glen Rubsamen; Some Kind of Nature. La Salle des Bains, Lyon.
- In Place of Love – Annemarie Verna Gallery, Zurich
- La Nuit Américaine – Cosar HMT, Dusseldorf
- All The Time in The World – Meyer Riegger Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe
- Fuga nella Verità, Galleria Alfonso Artiaco, Naples, Italy
- Glen Rubsamen – A Reassuring Lie Unfolds – Brandstrom stockholm, Stockholm
- Glen Rubsamen – Cosar HMT, Dusseldorf
- ”Lazy Nova”, Robert Miller gallery, New York
- “Islands In The Stream”, Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden,
- “Pigeon Key and the Seven Mile Bridge”, MAI 36 Gallery, Zurich
- Annemarie Verna Gallery, Zurich
- ”Luminous Toxin”, Meyer-Riegger Galerie, Karlsruhe
- ”Galería Pepe Cobo, Madrid
- Galleria Valentina Bonomo, Rome
- Galleria Alfonso Artiaco, Naples
- Galerie Michael Cosar, Düsseldorf,
- “A Reassuring Lie Unfolds”MAI 36 Galerie, Zurich
- ESSO Gallery, New York
- Galerie Pepe Cobo, Seville
- Galerie Michael Cosar, Düsseldorf
- Susan Inglett Gallery, New York
Featured Artwork
Beach Park2008
Duration: 10:25
Edition 2/10
Archival: Blue Ray (HD)
Exhibition: mp4 digital file
[1] Exhibition information from “Exhibitions,” Glen Rubsamen Website, http://www.glenrubsamen.com/exhibitions.html (accessed November 24, 2020).